Spring has finally sprung in Lincolnshire!

Date Added: 24/03/2017

It’s been a frustrating start to March as we have been waiting for the land to dry before we could start planting. We have even been dodging between rain showers, planting as and when we can.
However, the weather has turned in our favour and we have had up to 8 planters with the polyethene gangs following close behind. They cover the newly planted crops to create a greenhouse effect, allowing the plants to grow faster. Hopefully, the crops should be ready to harvest by the end of May.

Cauliflower harvesting has returned from Cornwall to Lincolnshire, so we hope the night time frosts are behind us until Winter.

Purple Sprouting Broccoli or as we call it PSB, is in season in March and April and it’s in plentiful supply due to good weather over the winter.

If the good weather continues, the seed potatoes will start to be planted by the end of the month.


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