Christmas Blog 2016

Date Added: 29/12/2016

T H Clements are all ready for the busy festive period with our Christmas production in full flow. Even our Christmas tree is decorated welcoming visitors.

Brussels Sprouts harvesting is now in full swing and we are currently harvesting approximately 10 million sprouts per day from our green fields of Lincolnshire. Then they are graded, packed and dispatched to major retailers with T H Clements love care and passion. Harvesting & packing machines are now working 24/7.

Christmas isn’t just about Brussels Sprouts these days though. Cauliflower is now a popular addition to the Christmas dinner and we are on track to fulfil our customers’ expectations.

Throughout December we have been interviewed by various Television & News reporters (ITV Calendar news, Daily Mail, Lincolnshire Echo & Red Tractor to name a few) on the run up to Christmas. They all like to know about the green Christmas vegetable which some people love to hate. These articles will also feature on our website once published.

Finally, if you are fortunate to have some of our Sprouts or Cauliflower on your plate this Christmas Day – Enjoy with a glass of wine and spare a thought for all the staff at T H Clements finally putting their feet up after this busy but exciting time of the year!

We wish you all a very merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!!! 

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