Hello Spring
Date Added: 01/04/2021
If you define your seasons by the meteorological calendar then Spring is already well underway, beginning on March 1st, but for those who follow the astronomical seasons (which refers to the position of the Earths orbit in relation to the sun) they moved their clocks and watches forward one hour this week and are overjoyed that Winter is now in the past and Springtime is here.
In many cultures Spring has been celebrated with rites and festivals revolving around its importance in food production. Spring is associated with the sowing of crops, the season of rebirth, rejuvenation and renewal. During this time of year all plants, including cultivated ones, begin growth after the dormancy of winter.

Spring facts (courtesy of Met Office):
- The first day of spring, the vernal equinox, has 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of darkness.
- Sense of smell can be more acute in spring as there is usually more moisture in the air.
- Spring is often associated with the start of the pollen season. However, some pollen types can release as early as January.
- 1947 saw the wettest spring to date with 331.7 mm of rainfall.
- 626 hours of bright sunshine were recorded in Spring 2020 for the UK which has exceeded the previous high (555 hours, set in 1948) by over 70 hours.

The planting season is in full swing, at TH Clements, March weather has been favourable and now that we are needing some rainfall we can rely on the traditional bank holiday weather to provide just that. The forecast for the following few days after the Easter weekend is showing much lower temperatures than recent weeks, so although we look forward to a substantial drop of rain, we are hoping that the warmer weather will return quickly.
Newly planted crops have been covered with polythene which creates a greenhouse effect, a process that keeps the crops in warmth and high humidity allowing them to grow faster. These covered crops are growing well with good soil conditions and will be ready to harvest by the end of May, beginning of June.

As well as filling the fields with new crops ready for later in the year we are also currently harvesting Purple Sprouting Broccoli, Leeks, Spring Greens and our high quality Lincolnshire Cauliflower, all perfect accompaniments to your traditional Easter Sunday Roast Dinner…...unless you’ve filled your bellies with chocolate eggs!!
From all at TH Clements, we wish you a very Happy Easter.
Enjoy family time, eat plentifully, and find a little time to relax in the Spring sunshine.